Choosing the right florist

The perfect flowers will help harmonize your wedding


Find out the right questions to ask your florist!

Choosing the right florist

The perfect flowers will help harmonize your wedding

Every wedding deserves gorgeous flowers

Find out the best questions your caterer wants you to ask!

Your Wedding Florists

It’s no secret that the flowers you choose will go a long way toward creating the feel and overall style of your wedding. They will also be ingrained in the minds and hearts of your wedding guests and wedding party, who will associate them with the feelings they had on your special day.

Important Things About Your Wedding Flowers

This is not a life-changing decision, but in terms of your wedding, it is essential, and you should take it seriously. If you’re like many brides-to-be, you may have already decided what type of flowers you want, but there are other things to consider.

Real vs. Fake Flowers

The real vs. fake debate may not even exist for you. Most brides love the idea of fresh flowers, but if you or the groom has a severe allergy, you may want to use fake flowers. Some people lean toward fake in an attempt to save money, but a lot of the fake ones are made of silk and can be more expensive than their real counterparts.

If you opt for real flowers and aren’t sure what to do with them afterward, some ideas include:

  • Preserving them

  • Handing them out to guests

  • Taking them to a hospital or nursing home

  • Taking them to a floral donation program

How Long Will the Flowers Last?

Since time is of the essence when it comes to flowers, you will need to know how long they will remain looking fresh and vibrant at the event.

The time frame will depend on several factors, including the type of flowers you have purchased, the time of year, temperature, method of transportation, and how they are stored.

How to Preserve Your Flowers

Many brides want to preserve their flowers to capture the essence of the day and create memories for the future.

Some of the most common ways to do that include:

  • Pressing the flowers

  • Hanging them upside down

  • Using epoxy resin

  • Using silica gel

  • Having them painted

  • Dipping them in wax

How Far in Advance to Book a Florist

One of the issues many people have when it comes to wedding flowers is waiting too long to book their florist. Often, the flowers are placed on the β€œnot quite as important” list, and by the time you get around to them, you find that every florist within a 100-mile radius is booked solid.

To avoid this, make a point of calling florists at least 10 months before the wedding date. Assume that quality florists are booked far in advance and that you will need lots of time to work out the details and secure your date.

If you stay true to yourself and follow the tips listed above, you should end up with bouquets and floral arrangements that look great and are the perfect complement to your day.



7 Questions to Ask Your Wedding Florist

When it comes to every aspect of your wedding, a smooth and efficient planning process is likely near the top of your list of desires. It can take an emotional toll if things start going wrong, and one area that many brides have issues with is the flowers.

Whether it’s having the wrong flowers delivered, getting a whopping bill you didn’t expect, or not receiving any flowers at all, lots of things can go wrong with your floral arrangements. Luckily, asking your prospective florist some pointed questions before you sign off on the order, which will improve your chances of getting what you want.

1 – Do You Have a Lot of Wedding Experience?

For a florist, how long they’ve been in business and how long they’ve been doing weddings are good indicators of their quality. If they were continually messing up, word would get around, and they would no longer be booked to provide flowers for weddings.

2 – Can I See Your Portfolio?

Just like with a photographer or graphic designer, a florist’s portfolio will give you a clear view of what they have accomplished in the past, and let you know if their particular style suits your tastes.

3 – Where Will the Flowers be Delivered on My Wedding Day?

Unfortunately, this question is required because of the number of times flowers have shown up at the wrong place. Many florists are busy delivering to multiple venues throughout a given weekend, and it’s not unheard of for them to get mixed up.

4 – Do You Have a Backup Plan If There Are Issues?

Even with the most meticulous planning, things can go awry. For example, if you order one type of flowers and get another, you need to know that your florist has a contingency plan in place to fix the problem. It’s also wise to get a copy of that plan in writing.

5 – Are There Any Hidden Fees?

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing added fees on a bill when you thought it was going to be lower. Make sure you see a detailed breakdown of all the costs associated with your floral arrangements and then ensure there won’t be any hidden fees on the bill once the order is complete.

6 – How Will the Flowers Be Stored and Transported?

You want your flowers treated with care from the time they leave the florist until they are delivered to you. Reputable florists will have this process mastered, so make sure you are confident they will arrive in good condition before confirming the order.

7 – Do You Offer Discounts for Larger Orders?

There’s nothing wrong with asking if they offer discounts for big orders. You’ll never know if you don’t ask, and you might end up saving some wedding budget money for other things.

Flowers set the mood to any wedding

Ask your florist the right questions!




25 Melville Park Road

Suite 74, Melville,

New York, 11747, US.

Β© Lotus Weddings Inc. 2025


25 Melville Park Road

Suite 74, Melville, New York,

11747, US

Β© Lotus Weddings Inc. 2025